Monday, December 18, 2023

Connect 4 Game in Alice

 Connect 4 game - ALICE Program

Create a Traditional 2-player Connect 4 game using Alice. The 2 players take turns to play and drop their discs in a grid. The goal for each player is to make either a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of one’s own discs. The player to do that first, wins the game.

In this program, first it asks for the names of Player1 and Player2. Turn by turn, each player clicks on one of the position, to drop the disc. This program uses features such as, billboards, 3D text, Loops, If/Else, events, methods, camera positioning and dummy objects.
Here is a video of the Alice program, created using Alice2.5

Contact me for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Hangman Game - ALICE Program

 Hangman Game 

Hangman is a classic word guessing game. This Alice version of the Hangman Game is a 1-player game. The player has to guess the secret word letter by letter. For each incorrect letter, hangman starts to draw on screen. If the whole hangman is drawn before the player can guess the word, player will lose. 

Video recording of the Hangman Game coming here soon

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Start and Stop - ALICE Program

 Stop and Start

Choose a ride object other than the carousel from the Amusement Park gallery that moves in a circular pattern (a round-and-round manner, like the Ferris wheel). Create a method that performs an animation appropriate for the ride object selected. Then, create a way to start and stop the ride using the While something is true event.

Start and Stop


Add a button to the world to start and stop the ferris wheel animation. The button toggles the state, one click starts the animation, the next click stops it. And the animation runs infinitely.

This question is to teach how to use repetition, loops and events.

See the attached video created using Alice 2.5 for this program, using the actual source code

Contact me @ for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Tic Tac Toe - ALICE Program

Tic Tac Toe Game

2 player traditional tic tac toe game in Alice. Play the classic game of X's and O's
Each player takes turn to play this game. 

Tic Tac Toe game in a grid of 3x3.
Each player takes turn to play X or O and at the end there is a congratulatory message at the end.

See the attached video created using Alice 2.4 for this program using the actual source code.

Contact me @ for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.

Whack A Mole - ALICE Program

Whack A Mole

 In this game, the player picks up a hammer and whacks at a mole-like puppet that pops up here and there out of a box. Points are scored each time the player whacks a mole. 
One possible modification to the WhackAMole game is to play it until the user has whacked all of the moles. To make this adjustment, change the color of a mole in the list to red whenever it is whacked. Allow the mole to be raised only if it is not already red. The game ends when all moles have been whacked!

The user moves the mouse to click (or whack) on the mole that pops up. Every time a mole is whacked, there is a pop sound effect. The mole that has been whacked changes its color to red. The score of the user is tracked by the yellow cylinder, which keeps increasing when the user whacks a mole successfully. It is made sure that no red mole ever pops up.
Once the user has whacked all the moles, a congratulatory message is displayed.

See the attached video created using Alice 2.4 for this program using the actual source code.

Contact me @ for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Help the Snowman get Home - ALICE Program

 Help the Snowman get Home

Create a game where the goal is to move the snowman through a forest to get him
home to his igloo. The hazard in this game is that if the snowman gets too close to a
tree, he moves back 10 meters. Add the snowman (People), a snowboard (skateboard
from Skatepark - change the isShowing for the wheels to false), an igloo (Buildings),
and eight pineTrees (Nature). Set the vehicle for the snowman to be the skateboard.
Create an event so that the skateboard can be controlled by game player, by typing the
arrow keys.

      Create a method for the skateboard named checkForCollisionWithTrees . If the
skateboard’s distance to the pine tree is less than 3.75 meters, then move the skateboard
back 10 meters. In this method, you will need to check each tree in the scene. When you
have the If/Else working for one tree, then copy it for each of the other trees.

      To have Alice constantly check for collisions with the trees, create a When the
World Starts  event. Then change it to While the World is Running  (a right click on the
event pops up a menu so it can be changed). In the during  section of the While the World
is Running  event, call the checkForCollisionWithTrees .
      In order to check whether the player has won the game, create a method named
checkIfHome  for the skateboard. If the skateboard gets close to the igloo, display a 3D
text object that proclaims “I’m Home!” To make the 3D text flash, add a loop that
repeatedly sets the 3D text isShowing property  to false and then true.

The user moves the snowman with keyboard arrow keys and steers towards the igloo.
Once the snowman reaches to his igloo, a message is displayed "I am home" indicating the user has won the game.

See the attached video created using Alice 2.4 for this program using the actual source code

Contact me @ for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Spinning Stars - ALICE Program

Spinning Stars

This exercise provides a world in which to explore using world-level functions to control
the execution of a loop. A knight has been thrown from his horse and stars are spinning
above him. We want to allow the user to control how the stars start and stop
spinning by moving the mouse cursor near the left or top edge of the window. While the
mouse is near the top or left edge of the window, the stars will start and continue spinning.
However, when the mouse is moved back towards the center of the world, the stars
should stop spinning. 
 To create this world, add a horse, a knight (both from Medieval), and a seeingStars
object (from Special Effects). Create a new method named spin  for the seeingStars
object. A “spin” is 2 revolutions, turning either left or right. In the spin  method,
the stars should spin left about half the time and spin right the other half. Create a
world-level function named nearTheEdge  that returns true  if the mouse is within
1 meter of the top or the left edge of the screen. Then, write a world-level method
named outOfBounds  that uses a while  loop to spin the stars as long as the mouse is near
the top or left edge of the screen. Use a While the world is running  event to call the
outOfBounds  method.

Hint: The world has functions that return the distance of the mouse from top edge and
from the left edge of the screen. Also, the world has a random probability function that
can be used to choose whether the stars turn right or left.

The user moves his mouse near the left edge or top edge, the stars start spinning. When the user brings the mouse back to the center, the stars stop spinning. Similarly, if the user moves his mouse near the right edge or the bottom edge, the stars do not spin.

See the attached video created using Alice 2.4 for this program
This video is exported from Alice 2.4 from the actual source code of this program.

Contact me @ for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.