Thursday, November 30, 2017

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? - ALICE Program

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

A popular child’s riddle is, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” Of course, there are many answers. In this project, the chicken (Animals) has a real sweet-tooth and crosses the road to eat the gumdrops (Kitchen/Food) along the way.

Write a game animation where the player guides the chicken across the road to get to the gumdrops. Cars and other vehicles should move in both directions as the chicken tries to cross to where the gumdrops are located. Use arrow keys to make the chicken jump left, right, forward, and back. Use the space bar to have the chicken peck at the gumdrop. When the chicken is close enough to the gumdrop and pecks, the gumdrop should disappear.
A recursive method is used to control the play of the game. If the chicken gets hit by a vehicle, the game is over (squish!). The game continues as long as the chicken has not managed to peck all the gumdrops and has not yet been squished by a vehicle. If the chicken manages to cross the road and peck at all the gumdrops along the way, the player wins the game. Signal the player’s success by making 3D text “You Win” appear or by playing some triumphant sound.

The user can move the chicken using arrow keys and help it cross the road and can press space bar to peck at the gum drops. Chicken will be able to peck the gumdrops only when it is near it.

See the attached video created using Alice2.3 for this program

Contact me @ for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.

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