Thursday, November 30, 2017

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? - ALICE Program

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

A popular child’s riddle is, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” Of course, there are many answers. In this project, the chicken (Animals) has a real sweet-tooth and crosses the road to eat the gumdrops (Kitchen/Food) along the way.

Write a game animation where the player guides the chicken across the road to get to the gumdrops. Cars and other vehicles should move in both directions as the chicken tries to cross to where the gumdrops are located. Use arrow keys to make the chicken jump left, right, forward, and back. Use the space bar to have the chicken peck at the gumdrop. When the chicken is close enough to the gumdrop and pecks, the gumdrop should disappear.
A recursive method is used to control the play of the game. If the chicken gets hit by a vehicle, the game is over (squish!). The game continues as long as the chicken has not managed to peck all the gumdrops and has not yet been squished by a vehicle. If the chicken manages to cross the road and peck at all the gumdrops along the way, the player wins the game. Signal the player’s success by making 3D text “You Win” appear or by playing some triumphant sound.

The user can move the chicken using arrow keys and help it cross the road and can press space bar to peck at the gum drops. Chicken will be able to peck the gumdrops only when it is near it.

See the attached video created using Alice2.3 for this program

Contact me @ for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Ice Danger - ALICE Program

Ice Danger 

For this exercise, you can begin with a world completed in either Exercise 7 or 8—or create a new skater world from scratch. Add a hole in the ice (a blue circle).

Make the world interactive to allow the user to use the mouse to move the hole around on the icy surface. Now, as the skater is moving across the surface of the ice, the user can move the hole into the skater’s path. Modify your method that skates the skater forward to use an If statement that checks whether the skater is skating over the hole. If she is on top of the hole, she will drop through it. If you have sound on your computer, you may want to add a splash sound.

The user can move the blue hole with mouse (drag and drop motion) across the screen. If the ice dancer comes close to the hole, dancer falls into the hole.

See the attached video created using Alice 2.3 for this program

Contact me @ for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Skydiving Guidance System - ALICE Program

Skydiving Guidance System

Alice Liddell (People) has taken up a new hobby: skydiving. She is on a helicopter (Vehicle), wearing a parachute (Objects). She is to jump to the carrier (Vehicle), which is a little way in front of her. In the world shown below, we added a half cylinder (Shapes) inverted and connected to the helicopter to be used as a jump platform. A torus (Shapes) was used to create a harness for Alice Liddell. (Although this isn’t absolutely necessary, it is helpful due to Alice Liddell’s small waist compared to the parachute’s cords.) 


The idea of this animation is to provide a skydiving guidance system to allow the user to guide the movement of Alice Liddell as she jumps from the platform of the helicopter and glides down to the carrier. When the user thinks Alice Liddell has hit the top of the carrier, the user can press the Enter key to have Alice Liddell drop her chute.

Guidance system methods (as smooth and lifelike as possible):

  • jump: jump from the helicopter’s platform 
  • glideForward, glideBack, glideRight, glideLeft: glide in the appropriate direction
  • swingLegs: legs swing a bit when gliding or jumping
  • dropChute: get rid of parachute (to simplify things, just have the chute rotate as if it were falling and make it disappear)
Keyboard controls:

  • Space bar—jump off the platform 
  • Up/Down/right/left arrow—glide forward/back/right/left
  • Enter key—parachute drops 
Remember that Alice Liddell should first jump off the platform prior to gliding and should not drop her chute until she hits the carrier.


The program works with user interaction. When user presses "Space bar" it initiates the game and Alice jumps and glides off the helicopter. User can then use arrow controls from keyboard to maneuver the parachute towards the Carrier platform

1) Press Space bar: to jump off the platform
2) Press Arrow keys - move in respective direction and move towards Carrier platform
3) When Alice reaches Carrier platform, press Enter to make it land

See the attached video created using Alice 2.3 for this program

Contact me @ for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Hand Ball - ALICE Program

Hand Ball

Create a world with a right hand (People) holding a toy ball (Sports).  Have the fingers close to grasp the ball. Then, throw the ball into the air while opening the fingers of the hand. Finally, make the hand catch the ball as the hand recloses its fingers.

Hint: Tips & Techniques 2 tells how to use the vehicle property to make the ball move as the hand moves.

When this program starts, hand throws the ball and then grasps it - closing and opening the fingers of the hand. The hand throws the ball up five times.
Below is the video for this Alice program, created using Alice 2.3

Contact me for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.

Drinking Parrot - ALICE Program

Drinking Parrot

A small toy popular with children is a drinking parrot. The parrot is positioned in front of a container of water and its body given a push. Because of the counterbalance of weights on either end of its body, the parrot repeatedly lowers its head into the water. Create a simulation of the drinking parrot (Objects). Use an infinite Loop statement to make the parrot drink.

Hint: We used the blender object (Kitchen gallery), p
ushed the base into the ground, deleted the lid, and changed the color of the blender to blue to simulate a bucket of water.


In this program, when the user first clicks anywhere on the parrot, it starts moving up and down infinitely.
Below is the video for this Alice program, created using Alice 2.3

Contact me for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code.