Monday, December 18, 2023

Connect 4 Game in Alice

 Connect 4 game - ALICE Program

Create a Traditional 2-player Connect 4 game using Alice. The 2 players take turns to play and drop their discs in a grid. The goal for each player is to make either a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of one’s own discs. The player to do that first, wins the game.

In this program, first it asks for the names of Player1 and Player2. Turn by turn, each player clicks on one of the position, to drop the disc. This program uses features such as, billboards, 3D text, Loops, If/Else, events, methods, camera positioning and dummy objects.
Here is a video of the Alice program, created using Alice2.5

Contact me for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Hangman Game - ALICE Program

 Hangman Game 

Hangman is a classic word guessing game. This Alice version of the Hangman Game is a 1-player game. The player has to guess the secret word letter by letter. For each incorrect letter, hangman starts to draw on screen. If the whole hangman is drawn before the player can guess the word, player will lose. 

Video recording of the Hangman Game coming here soon