Sunday, May 14, 2017

Hand Ball - ALICE Program

Hand Ball

Create a world with a right hand (People) holding a toy ball (Sports).  Have the fingers close to grasp the ball. Then, throw the ball into the air while opening the fingers of the hand. Finally, make the hand catch the ball as the hand recloses its fingers.

Hint: Tips & Techniques 2 tells how to use the vehicle property to make the ball move as the hand moves.

When this program starts, hand throws the ball and then grasps it - closing and opening the fingers of the hand. The hand throws the ball up five times.
Below is the video for this Alice program, created using Alice 2.3

Contact me for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code. I can modify the program if you would need any changes.

Drinking Parrot - ALICE Program

Drinking Parrot

A small toy popular with children is a drinking parrot. The parrot is positioned in front of a container of water and its body given a push. Because of the counterbalance of weights on either end of its body, the parrot repeatedly lowers its head into the water. Create a simulation of the drinking parrot (Objects). Use an infinite Loop statement to make the parrot drink.

Hint: We used the blender object (Kitchen gallery), p
ushed the base into the ground, deleted the lid, and changed the color of the blender to blue to simulate a bucket of water.


In this program, when the user first clicks anywhere on the parrot, it starts moving up and down infinitely.
Below is the video for this Alice program, created using Alice 2.3

Contact me for the comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to create this game in ALICE as well as the final source code.